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Kozi ya "Utangulizi kwa Teknolojia ya Blockchain" ni mpango kamili ulioundwa ili kutoa ufahamu wa msingi kwa wanafunzi kuhusu teknolojia ya blockchain. Kupitia kozi hii, wanafunzi watapata maarifa ya misingi ya blockchain, historia yake, na aina za blockchain zilizopo. Aidha, wanafunzi watapata ufahamu kuhusu faida na mipaka ya blockchain.
Kozi: Utangulizi kwa Teknolojia ya Blockchain
Moduli 1: Utangulizi kwa Teknolojia ya Blockchain
- maana ya blockchain
- misamiati katika blockchain
- Vipengele muhimu vya blockchain
-Mchakato wa blockchain
- Uhandisi wa blockchain
- Maboresho ya blockchain
-Mageuzi ya blockchain
Moduli 2: Aina za Blockchain
- Blockchain za umma, binafsi, na kikundi
- Tabia na matumizi tofauti
- Mifano ya majukwaa ya blockchain yanayojulikana
Moduli 3: Mbinu za Makubaliano katika Blockchain
- Uthibitisho wa Kazi (Proof of Work, PoW) na Uthibitisho wa Umiliki (Proof of Stake, PoS)
- Njia nyingine ziada za makubaliano katika blockchain
Moduli 4: Mikataba Smart na Programu za Kidijitali Zisizotawaliwa (DApps)
- Utangulizi kwa mikataba smart na jukumu lake katika blockchain
- Uchunguzi wa DApps na matumizi yao yanayowezekana
Moduli 5: Matumizi ya Blockchain
- Usimamizi wa ugavi na ufuatiliaji
- Huduma za kifedha na uhamishaji wa pesa
- Ushawishi wa data ya afya na faragha
- Usimamizi wa kitambulisho na uthibitishaji
- Mifumo ya upigaji kura na utawala
Moduli 6: Changamoto na Mwelekeo wa Baadaye wa Blockchain
- Mambo ya kupima uwezo na utendaji
- Wasiwasi wa usalama na faragha
- Athari za kisheria na za kanuni
- Mwelekeo mpya katika teknolojia ya blockchain
2 Reviews
5 days ago
very amaizing lesson thank you teacher
6 months ago
best platform to learn about digital marketing (cryptocurrecy)
Antony Polycarp Mlelwa also know as Trizy Magno is an experienced educator and cryptocurrency expert with over seven years of experience in the industry. Born and raised in Tanzania, Mlelwa developed a fascination for blockchain technology and cryptocurrency early on in his career. After obtaining his degree in education, Mlelwa began working as a teacher, but continued to pursue his passion for cryptocurrency in his spare time. He immersed himself in the world of blockchain and digital currency, attending conferences and events to expand his knowledge and network with other experts in the field. As his expertise grew, Mlelwa began offering classes on blockchain technology and cryptocurrency to interested individuals and groups. He quickly gained a reputation as an engaging and informative speaker, and his classes became highly sought after. Mlelwa's passion for teaching and his extensive knowledge of the cryptocurrency world have led him to become a respected figure in the industry. He has been invited to speak at numerous conferences and events around the world, and has been featured in several publications discussing the future of blockchain technology. Today, Mlelwa continues to educate and inspire others about the potential of blockchain technology and the world of cryptocurrency. He remains committed to spreading awareness about the importance of crypto and blockchain, and helping others navigate the complex and ever-changing landscape of digital currency.
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